With the increase in inflammation and scarcity of highly paid jobs, the modern man has turned into a money-earning machine. His only goal is to work day and night to provide a luxurious life to his family and in doing so he compromises on his health ignoring the fact that ‘health is wealth’. His seclude is so packed up that he prefers to eat junk food that are loaded with trans fats. the ultimate outcome of this negligence is obesity.
Obesity is often termed as the mother of diseases based upon the fact that is a leading pathway to a number of other diseases like diabetes CVD’s and others. In obesity, there is excessive accumulation of body fats that poses a threat to your health and becomes a risk factor to your healthy bodily existence. People usually develop obesity when their calories consumed is greater than the calories utilized by them in their everyday activities. Obesity can also develop due to genetic reasons and can be a side effect of certain medications but still, it is a disease that can be cured with diet. On the one hand there are some foods that cause obesity contrary to them on the other hand we have food that help us alleviate body fats and help us to maintain our normal body weight these healthy foods not only help us to maintain weight but also to restore our ideal body weight.

- Berries: It consist of a soul-able fiber called pectin which plays an important role in weight management. for example, blackberries blueberries strawberries
- Pulses: They have a high content of fibers and protein which gives you a feeling of fullness throughout your routine. furthermore, they also reduce the risk of other diseases associated with obesity etc.
- Oatmeal: It contains beta-glucan that releases peptide YY hormone. this hormone decreases calorie intake and decreases the risk of obesity. Furthermore, oatmeal satisfies your appetite it gives you a feeling of fullness for a greater period of time. Consuming it in breakfast will ultimately result in eating less in lunch and hence lower will be your intake of calories.
- Green leafy vegetables: They are packed with vitamins minerals and fibers and are low in calories. they not only play an important role in reducing the risk of obesity but also in heart diseases, high blood pressure, and mental decline.it is important that you supply your body with apple amount of nutrients during weight loss, so a deficiency of nutrients may not take plan during your weight loss routine and this task is fulfilled by green Leafly vegetables
- Nuts: They have a greater fat and fiber content it is important to note that the fat present in nuts is a healthy fat that is essential for carrying out various processes in the body
- Eggs: They have high protein content which keeps us full for a longer period of time. They also help to lower your blood glucose level if eaten in breakfast hence performing a dual role in bodily health
- Fatty fish: It is an excellent source of omega-3-fatty acid that helps to lower your craving
- Whole grains: They help to decrease the calorie retained during digestion. They also play a role in speeding up digestion. Furthermore, they are loaded with protein and fibers and help to provide you body with basic nutrients.
- Soups: It includes a wide variety of nutrients both from animal and plant sources. They contain protein and fibers to satisfy our appetite. Homemade soups should be preferred rather than the one that is readily available in the market
- FRUITS: volume is added to your snack when you consume fruit as they contain large amounts of water content along with fewer calories and essential nutrients
- Cinnamon: It is rich in antioxidants that stabilize blood sugar and reduce appetite and hunger
- Cayenne pepper: It contains capsaicin as an active ingredient. It boosts metabolism and increases the calories burn out
- Ginger: It helps to increase metabolism and fat burning, furthermore it decreases fat absorption and appetite
- Oregano: It contains carvacrol that helps in weight reduction
- Caralluma fimbriata: It increases the level of serotonin a neurotransmitter that directly affects appetite. research shows that its consumption decreases hunger pangs
Turmeric: It contains curcumin effective for weight loss - Cardamon: It helps to reduce belly fat
- French fries, potato chips
- Sugary drinks, sugary beverages
- Candy bars, milk chocolates, ice-creams
- Spread and jams
- Junk food
- Processed meals
- Bakery products, white bread
- Alcohol
- Packed fruit juices
- . Refined flour, Maida
- EAT 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables
- Reduce sugar consumption
- Avoid artificial sweeteners
- Substitute sugary beverages with vegetables juices and water
- Focus more on a plant-based diet
- Exercise for at least 30 min
- Relax yourselves
- Stay hydrated
- Adequate sleep
- Manage your routine and find time for yourselves
- Breakfast: Steamed fish
- Snack: Nuts (almonds 6), pistachio, walnuts4 halves
- Lunch: Chickpea curry +1 tortilla
- Snack: Sweet potato+ baked beans1/3 cup
- Dinner: Rice2/3 cups=+ (lentil 1/2cups)
- Breakfast :1 boiled egg +1cup of skimmed milk
- Snack: Seasonal Homemade Fruit Juice/ Fruit Chaat
- Lunch: 1 Tortilla and Mix Vegetable Curry
- Snack: Nuts (Walnuts almonds etc.)
- Dinner: Mutton Curry and Boiled Rice
- Breakfast: bean salad
- Snak: Fruit Chat
- Lunch: Steamed Chicken and 1 tortilla
- Snack: Nuts/ Roasted Grams
- Dinner: Meatball
Note: The Article is written by Miss Mahrukh Maqbool who is an expert in the field of Food and Nutrition.
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