The Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority Ordinance 2017
The Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority Ordinance 2017 is promulgated to create an authority for the control of Graveyards all over the Punjab. Shehr-e-Khamoshan is Urdu term used for the Graveyard. Its preamble says, “It is necessary, in public interest, to found Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority to establish, manage and regulate model cemeteries or graveyards and crematoriums and to provide to the public cemetery services, funeral services, crematory services, transfer services and other related service in the Punjab.
In this law term “Cemetery” is defined as “a model cemetery or graveyard or crematorium which the Authority established, maintains and regulates under the Ordinance. The term “cemetery services” means the services provided by the Authority for the internment or burial or cremation of dead human bodies and disposal of cremated human remains.
An authority known as The Punjab Shehr-e-Khamoshan Authority is established under this law which will be responsible for;
Construction, maintenance and monitoring of cemeteries
Acquire movable and immovable property for the purpose
Plan and manage the cemeteries
Overall this is one good step of government to provide services and planned cemeteries to the citizens.
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